Oshi Health

oshi health mockup desktop and mobile
Product Design Intern
Jun 2023 - Aug 2023
Figma, Jira
Web app,
Desktop and Mobile
I undertook a redesign project for Oshi Health, a provider of whole-person, virtual-first, value-based care for gastrointestinal (GI) conditions and digestive health. The goal was to address the high drop-off rates (33%) and slow loading times experienced during the appointment booking calendar, the final step of their sign-up flow.

Problem Statement

I asked the right questions to come to my problem statement:

The existing onboarding appointment booking calendar is experiencing high drop-off rates (33%), which is hindering member conversion rates.
Sign-up Flow Dropoff Data
I also looked at Oshi Health data to define my target users:
  • Residents of the United States
  • Age 26-55
  • GI related issues


Analyzing other doctor's appointment booking calendars.

Mapping User Journeys

Problems I Solved

  1. Date and time selection should be optimized.
  2. Users don't want to commit to making an appointment

Date and time selection should be optimized

The previous appointment booking calendar:
  • Wastes screen space
  • May be difficult to interact with
Previous Appointment Booking Calendar


With research completed, I started wireframing some ideas. Two concepts stood out, and I presented these to my team to get feedback.
Concept 1: Weekly View
While this idea showed promise, it was ultimately discarded due to the fact that Oshi can accommodate between 20 to 30 appointment slots daily, and scrolling through these appointments would result in a frustrating user interface.
Concept 2: Horizontal Date Scroll
First Draft
Second Draft

Users don't want to commit to making an appointment

Give users peace of mind.

Final Proposed Design

  • UX Improvements
  • Refreshed UI

User Testing

I ran an A/B test on Useberry, a platform for testers to asynchronously run through Figma prototypes and answer questions.
A: My Proposed Design
B: Previous Calendar Design

Testing Setup

  • 180 testers total
  • Demographics: Chronic disease, resident of the United States, Age 26 to 55​
Consisted of
  • 3 tasks testing Figma prototypes
  • Qualitative questions

Testing Results

Got data from:
  • Screen recordings
  • Time to complete tasks
  • Likert ratings
  • Heat maps

Testing Results Summary

My Proposed Design
Previous Design
1.67 min
1.84 min
Likert scale
(1 = very hard, 5 = very easy)
“It was easy to use and complete”
“Scrolling to the right to select times seemed unusual.”

Engineering Specs

For different viewports.

Final Designs

From the data, I decided to proceed with my proposed design.
✔️ Faster conversion: Weekly layout encourages users to book their appointment asap

✔️ Scalable: Better use of screen space

✔️ Scannable: Dates with no availability disabled, CTA disabled until valid date and time selected​

✔️ Speed improvements: Loading one week at a time is faster than loading one month
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